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Marathon Preparation (4/13)

This was a relatively routine day with some maintenance tasks and meetings with the rest of the Operations team. I was given the task of fixing some broken cupholders in the bleachers, cleaning some trash out of event spaces, and beginning to prepare for the Canton Hall of Fame Marathon which will be hosted in part in the Stadium. This will be the first large event that I will be part of executing. This will be a relatively easy event for our part, as the Stadium will only be hosting the start/finish line and some post-race time for mingling. Since it is a marathon, most of the hard work is being performed by the event organizers. Our role will be to ensure that the Stadium is clean and welcoming and that there is adequate, comfortable seating for any spectators. As we get closer to the event weekend of April 22-24, I am expecting to be much busier as we begin to ramp up for the event. One of my main questions with an event like this is how much money the Stadium is actually going to make for its role. It would be surprising to me if we were expected to make much apart from a rental fee or from concessions, but that will be something I am sure I will hear more about as we get closer and after the event. It doesn’t seem like I am going to be expected to work during the event, but the preparation will be a quality experience nonetheless.

(Photo credit:

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