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What Comes Next? (4/15)

As my internship is getting close to the end, it has been interesting to begin having conversations about what comes next. This has mostly come in the form of comparing conversations with department managers and the human resources department. As I have been communicating with the department leaders about my intentions and desires to potentially continue working at the Village in a part-time or full-time position, the two main departments are both open to keeping me on staff. In fact, those conversations have advanced to the point where at least one of the department managers has said he will definitely keep me on staff. The drawback has been with the human resources side of things. I requested a meeting with one of the human resources employees who told me that we could plan on transitioning to a part-time role, but that it would only take place after my original internship time had been completed. While that seems fair enough, it doesn’t make much sense for me to continue working as an intern when I will not be earning any further class credit and will not be making enough money for it to be worth my while. It seems that this conversation will need to continue to find a better solution for everyone, otherwise, it might not be the most acrimonious parting from one another. I certainly do want it to be a pleasant parting whenever that time comes, but it’ll be interesting to see how conversations progress. Hopefully, it will work out that I will be able to stay on staff in a full-time capacity.

(Photo Credit:

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